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Telecom audit service

Quick, easy review of your costs

Customer Service

Should you want us to undertake a full review of your telecoms infrastructure, then we can do so, quickly and easily.

Our review


We will take into account some or all of the following areas:

  • Calls expenditure

  • Fixed line rental costs

  • Redundant lines

  • Telephone systems

  • Maintenance

  • Historical cost audit

  • Broadband

  • Mobile call and data costs

  • Convergence with your IT systems


In each area we will analyse the current cost to your business, the existing contractual obligations, any supplier issues, and assess how your overall telecoms infrastructure is suited to your business now and moving forwards.

Once our telecom audit is complete we will report back to you. This report will benchmark your current situation and provide you with a comparison with what else is available to you in the market place.

The aim of any such review is to give you peace of mind that either, your current set up is right for you and you are paying a fair price, or that you can quickly and easily make changes that will improve your business.

Call us today and start saving

+44 (0)207 030 4907

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